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:: Platoon-based Traffic Management Method for Autonomous Driving Systems ::
Platoon-based Traffic Management Method for
Autonomous Driving Systems
Hamed Fazli
School of Electrical Engineering
Iran University of Science and Technology
Tehran, Iran
Hadi Shahriar Shahhoseini
School of Electrical Engineering
Iran University of Science and Technology
Tehran, Iran

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In recent decades, by the advance in the technology and the advent of autonomous driving systems, platooning play a pivotal role in smart cities. The amount of communication data between platoons via Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANET) are large enough to make it a complex problem for speed and interdistance control modelling. In this paper, a simplified model based on analytical equations has been proposed to improve the comfort driving and passenger's safety and congestion management in onramps of highways. Maximum deceleration force and current velocity of vehicles are the key factors of this model. Moreover, we considered the instantaneous speed for the individual vehicles when entering the highway from on-ramps. Using this model, it is possible to place on-ramp vehicles between the gaps of platoons. Achievements of this paper showed that the flow of vehicles in onramps has been improved more efficiently in comparison with previous method.

Keywords: Vehicular traffic management; Smart city; VANET; Autonomous vehicles


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Cite this paper as:
H.  Fazli and H.S. Shahhoseini, "Platoon-based Traffic Management Method for Autonomous Driving Systems," 10th International Conference on Information and Knowledge Technology (IKT 2019), Tehran, Iran, 2019.
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